Wednesday 28 August 2013

J.O.A.L.L.A.P Day 3! With Ony! :)

Hello Everyone!

It's Day 3 of our amazing J.O.A.L.L.A.P collaboration and today I'll be re-posting Ony's post! The theme is YOU for all of us this week.

So today, I'm killing two birds with one stone, by painting my nails (something i need to do) and doing a post for J.o.l.l.a.p! Since this week's theme is 'You' where as you seen from  Jamie and Lemmie where we blog about ourselves! I'm going to do a simple nail polish tutorial where i choose colors and designs accordingly to my personality. *Le Begin*

I'm starting off my design by painting my nails a soft 'Tickle Pink' (Great name, AVON)
 This color represents the girly side of me that i let out this year, as you can see from my     blog -which i find pretty girly- I also choose this color because, this year I've been enjoying the color pink, 

I let that dry :)


I am now using the color black :) It's not a normal black, but one of my favorite polishes a metallic grey! I use this color by painting a thick strip covering the top of each nail. 
 This color represents a dark part of my life, and that I'm not such a girl, getting dirty is not such a big deal! As i said it also represents a dark part of my life when i went through depression, and started cutting. This was from May 2012 to June 2013, this was a sad part of my life, but i survived :) 
#Cutcakenotwrist :)


I was pretty hesitant to add the color orange into my design, because i didnt really want it to 
look haloweenish, but i just had to. Orange is my favorite color and it has been since..fifth grade i think? This has been my favorite color,
because it stands out, and it represents my quirky unique personality :)
I paint this on by doing a slanted triangle from the bottom corner to the top of my nail :)


 I was looking over my nails, and thought the design looked too bland, and not like the pretty wikihow picture i based this design off of. So I decided to (attempt to) paint a small blue 
The finishing look doesn't look too shabby, right? :)
cross on my left ring finger. This represents my Christianity if you didnt know :)


So, thats a basic outline of who I am :)
Hope You enjoyed the post :) Stop by my blog, for more :)

Here's the order of who'll be posting (and links to their blogs!)

Monday ~ Lemmie
Tuesday ~  Jamie 
Wednesday ~ Ony
Thursday ~ Me!
Friday ~ Phoebs               
Saturday ~  Leah              
Sunday ~  Alex 

Stay Strong, Happy and Fearless!
Aveen xx

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